24 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

Cosmetic surgery it is so fantastic........

Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has become so popular that almost all stars and famous people do it even sometimes not thinking about consequences. Running to be an ideal and doing these surgeries they must not be thinking that they torture their body. And cosmetic surgery has the same risks as any surgery, as well: The risk of infection, the risk of organ failure during surgery, and the risk of an allergic reaction to medications. Also it is a psychological defect multipurpose of the person; thinking that given body is imperfection and misshapen. I sometimes wonder why so many people pay a heavy emotional and psychological price for cosmetic surgery. Why they just can keep what they have already? Just compare what you see in picture I put above, how many difference in them. It is a horrifying image, isn’t it? Eventhough they are the same person İ do not think İ could distinguish them from one another.


Have you heard about this site? In this site you can send five messages per day without paying, i.e. free messages all over the world. You just need to know the code of country; you want to send a message, the number of a person and 90 characters to write that’s all. Have a nice conversation:)))!!!

23 Kasım 2008 Pazar

Cell phones.........???

There are several different types of radiation present in our surroundings on a day to day. Electromagnetic energy from cell phones and radio towers are categorized as non-ionizing radiation and are generally thought to be harmless, while iodizing rays from x-rays and nuclear energy has been proven to cause cancer. However, in recent years the sheer number of non-ionizing instruments in our environment has caused some scientists to wonder if the assumption that this type of radiation is truly safe at low levels as once thought. As cell phones, microwaves, satellites and radio have all become much more widespread; people claim to suffer everything from headaches to cancer as a result of their exposure to this "harmless" radiation

20 Kasım 2008 Perşembe

Nuclear weapons.....

American nuclear technology evolved rapidly between 1944 and 1950. The Russians evolved between 1939-1949. From that time Americans and Russians relations turned into somehow the cold war situation. These days the cold war between them has thawed, but the proliferation of weapons goes on, and the growing masses of nuclear waste. Why? Because the military ways of thinking go on, the national security imperative still drives small countries to spend most of their small budget on weapons instead of social programs. We need to outgrow the dangerous and costly structures of thinking that are our legacy from modernity. Instead of endless debates, we need dialogue and negotiations—not just in Ireland, Russia, Pakistan, the Balkans, the Middle East—but in the United Nations about the natural resources, power concentrations, poverty, human rights of the populations of the world. The right of supreme states must be further limited when it comes to human rights and the management of its resources. The rest of the world must have a say in such matters. Nuclear weapons do not risk just the populations of the nations that build them but everybody else. They must be internationally controlled for the good of humanity.

13 Kasım 2008 Perşembe

The story with happy end.....

Her new computer is outstanding and tremendously excellent. It has worked without no problem for thirteen years. Unfortunatly her computer crashed while she was sending an e- mail.She didn't know what to do and she didn't want to throw it.After then,a little fume started to rise.she thought that mail ruined her computer.And what did this mail say? It was said to receiver that you would be killed by me.She was afraid and luckily she remembered to call police.Police came and began to ivestigate the event.What kind of an e-mail can damage such a computer? she was scared , and then the door was knocked suddenly.There was a prince waiting for her with white mercedes and willing kill you by marrying her:))))

11 Kasım 2008 Salı

My dream which never will come true…. .

Hi, my dear friends from foreign language education department! Today I want to share with you my little dream which will never come true. When I was a child I wanted to be a cardiologist surgery of the children. I do not know why but I liked it very much, I like it now, too. When applied for this profession, before I came here, I was failed and those times I was so angry that somebody just deducted my dream, and you can only imagine how big disappointment it was for me. I was depressed and those times I did not know that if something happens it is always for better. And now I am sometimes even mirth that I did not become a doctor because, you know, I very love children and I love when they are just happy, but when they are crying and suffering from something my heart seems to explode. Now when I am little grown up I can realize that if something during operation will go wrong and one child will die because of my fault I will never forgive myself, and I know I will die with this child, too, not my body, it will live………, but my soul.
Thanks for giving attention friends!!!

4 Kasım 2008 Salı

The forest in winter day seems so beautiful with as white as baby’s soul snow on tree’s branches and path between, just as it will never end. Just only imagine quasi you are walking in this forest and you will learn how composure comes to your body with calmness in your mind. Thoughts will go too far from you and feeling of being free will enjoy you. Then, breathe the frozen air which titillate your nose, sensate how the air is clear. Open your eyes and look at up, do you see a blue - blue sky over your head? It so fantastic that you feel yourself as you are flying, aren’t you?

You came for me my darling; you are my treasure….. I was waiting for you so long and you are here. Your breath gave me the power to live and be strong against everything. You are too weak but you can do everybody vigorous with your only one glance. Your embrace stronger than any metal in that world and your smile can melt a frozen heart.
Being a Mother – the feeling that cannot be explained in two or three sentence…. It is so deep inside……. It does not even matter who you are the human or animal. All of them are mothers; tigers, pandas, bears, or human beings. All of them have the same feelings to secure a safety for their child.
By the way, who said that tigers cannot love but only kill? I think almost everybody but I will not accept it.
Even the tiger who is regarded as one of the cruel animals of our world feel the feeling of Being a Mother; to bring up and look after her child.
When I am looking at the picture of panda it resembles me my mother when I am back from Turkey. She hugs me so hard that it is sometimes hard to breath. But I know she does it because she was so missing and waiting for me, even it is not so long time as I were far.

Impacts of mushrooms

There are no simple rules to indicate whether a mushroom is edible or deadly poisonous. But the prudent know NEVER to take unnecessary risks by eating an unfamiliar mushroom. Although the number of fatal mushrooms is small, understanding the effects of the different types of toxins could mean the difference between life and death. The problem with mushroom poisoning is that initial symptoms generally only manifest themselves 6 to 48 hours after the eating, by which time toxins have already been absorbed by the liver and kidneys. Supportive treatment consists of blood transfusions and dialysis. However, due to coagulation disturbance and low blood sugar a patient may lapse into a coma and die.