30 Ekim 2008 Perşembe

Getting older.....and gray hair :)

Have you ever watched someone try to cover up gray hair? Or maybe you wonder why your granddad has a full head of silver hair when in old pictures it used to be dark brown? Each hair on our heads is made up of two parts:
a shaft - the colored part we see growing out of our heads
a root - the bottom part, which keeps the hair anchored under the scalp
The root of every strand of hair is surrounded by a tube of tissue under the skin that is called the hair follicle. Each hair follicle contains a certain number of pigment cells. These pigment cells continuously produce a chemical called melanin that gives the growing shaft of hair its color of brown, blonde, red, and anything in between. Melanin is the same stuff that makes our skin's color fair or darker. It also helps determine whether a person will burn or tan in the sun. The dark or light color of someone's hair depends on how much melanin each hair contains. As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color - like gray, silver, or white - as it grows. As people continue to get older, fewer pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray. People can get gray hair at any age. Some people go gray at a young age - as early as when they are in high school or college - whereas others may be in their 30s or 40s before they see that first gray hair. How early we get gray hair is determined by our genes. This means that most of us will start having gray hairs around the same age that our parents or grandparents first did. Some people think that a big shock or trauma can turn a person's hair white or gray overnight, but scientists don't really believe that this happens. Just in case, try not to freak out your parents too much. You don't want to be blamed for any of their gray hairs!

23 Ekim 2008 Perşembe

Mass Media and Beaty

The term mass media describes many forms of entertainment: television, film, music, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and advertising. For decades these resources have been available to people of all ages. Because this is where we receive most of our information, it is used by media organizations to target and impact youth of all worlds. Idealized beauty standards, irrelevant sexualization are only some of the ways that young women in the media are portrayed today. There is a general overview of how many of the things we are used to seeing and sending a negative image to young people everywhere. Let’s be honest, the average person in this country does not look like Angelina Jolie, Halle Barry or Gina Carano. So why it is that average women are not represented in mass media formats? It’s actually a simple answer.
Idealized beauty standards are seen everywhere from commercials, to TV shows and movies. These ideals puts pressure on young women to look like the people featured in music, magazines, film and many other mass media formats, even if the goal of being that thin is unattainable without harming your body’s health.
The film industry is one that has a major effect on how young women are viewed in society. The music industry just like the film industry exhibits the use of irrelevant sexualization to attract an audience of young people. Music videos showcase behavior that is just as promiscuous as what you see in film. Women’s bodies are constantly displayed in a sexual way, and this behavior is imitated by young girls across the country who idolizes them. It is clear that images of young women in the media have a tremendous impact on young people everywhere. Whether it is through film, music, or any other mass media format the public is constantly pressured to fit into today’s ideal of what beauty is. Young people are influenced to act like the characters they watch on TV.


Alemtuzumab- a type of drug known as a monoclonal antibody - was created at Cambridge in the late 1970s, and has long been used to treat leukaemia by killing off the cancerous white cells of the immune system. Also it can be a serious weapon against the multiple sclerosis(MS). But it only in early stage of research. So it can produce potentially serious side-effects as well.
The latest three-year study, of 334 patients with relapsing-remitting MS which had yet to be treated, found that the drug cut the number of attacks of disease by 74% more than the reduction achieved by conventional interferon-beta therapy. It also reduced the risk of sustained accumulation of disability by 71% compared to beta-interferon.
MS is caused by fault in the body's immune system which leads it to attack nerve fibres and their protective insulation.This damage prevents the nerves from 'firing' properly, and then leads to their destruction, resulting in physical and intellectual disabilities.

16 Ekim 2008 Perşembe

GM foods:harmful or helpful?

Hi, everybody!!! In this topic I would like to talk about Genetically Modified foods which became often used products in our world. And I guess that some of us have not even thought about harmful effects of these products. GM foods are "transgenic" life forms i.e organisms that cross unnatural gene lines (such as tomato seed genes crossed with potato genes). These organisms maturate the chain reaction inside of our bodies and decay it. And of course it leads to many deaths. Recorded Deaths from GM in 1989, dozens of Americans died and several thousands were afflicted and impaired (Mayeno and Gleich, 1994). Nowadays, in the shops and in the markets we cannot even distinguish these products one from another, and so most of the people even do not know what they buy. To avoid this displeasing situation I think all GM foods have to be labeled.
If they are labeled people will know what to buy exactly. Thank for attention!


Hackers, who they actually? And why the professional hacker not only respect, but also are afraid?. The answer is simple: people are afraid of everything that cannot understand. The hacker can create "miracles" by means of the usual computer, the hacker is the person of new generation for whom there are no borders! The professional hacker can either create universal protection or immediately destroy everything that was created by years.