10 Ocak 2009 Cumartesi

A. Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo”

Alexsadre Dumas is my favorite author and I have read almost all of his compositions. But my favorite novel is “The Count of Monte Cristo”. Before the beginning of the novel let me give you the short information about the life of A. Dumas.
A. Dumas was born in 1802, in France. He was married an actress and had four illegitimate children from other women. He was buried where he had been born, but under the order of the French President Jacque Chirac his body was exhumed and transported in a solemn procession to the Pantheon of Paris, the great mausoleum where French luminaries are interred. Once President Chirac said: “With you (A. Dumas), we were D’Artagnan, Monte Cristo, or Balzamo, riding the roads of France, touring battlefields, visiting palaces and castles- with YOU, WE DREAM”. The honor recognized that although France has produced many great writers, none have been as widely read as A. Dumas. His novels have been translated into hundred languages and inspired more than 200 movies. He wrote the novels like “The Three Musketeers”, “Two Dianas”, “The Knight of Saint-Hermine”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”, and others.
As I said before my favorite novel is “The Count of Monte Cristo”. The book is mainly about one man’s adventures, love, betrays and vengeances, falling and rising in society, and other interesting events of one’s story. And the main character of this story is Edmond Dantes. He was the young man of years of eighteen- twenty, high harmonies, with beautiful black eyes and with as black as pitches hair and his shape breathed body whole with calmness and determination which are peculiar to people since the childhood who got used to struggle with danger. The main message I got from this book is being honest, being respectful for yourself and people around you even if they do not deserve it and also being respectful for their opinions and thoughts, being ambitious, and patient. Moreover, very significant point of this novel is learning forgive people and never take revenge even if you desire it by all your heart, because vengeance never give a satisfaction. He learned it at the end of the book and he was very sorry that he did not understand it before; suffers that he gave to his enemies would deeply touch him as well.

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