10 Ocak 2009 Cumartesi

Recently I was very interested in one fact which my friends are working for, addiction and the types of addictions. Actually, addiction refers to a wide and complex range of behaviors. In addition to familiar addictions such as alcohol dependence, drug dependence, and smoking, addictive behaviors have also been associated with food, exercise, work, and even relationship with others. These can be categorized into five types as: patterns, habits, compulsion, impulse control orders, and physical addiction. Compulsions differ from patterns and habits since they originate from the purpose of relieving anxiety. Impulse control disorders, such as overeating and overworking, provide short-term gratification but are harmful in the long run. In contrast to these types of behavior, physical addiction involves dependence on a habit- forming substance. An addiction is generally associated with relieving anxiety or blocking out other types of uncomfortable feelings. The addiction makes people neglect other areas of their lives. They are commonly secretive about it. When somebody wants to talk about their problem, they generally deny that they have a problem although privately they regret their addictive behavior, which in many cases they have tried without success to discontinue. Within themselves, they are usually very uncomfortable about having an addiction and feel ashamed of it. They try to escape the shame by telling themselves that they can stop whenever they want. However, addiction is difficult to treat and the recovery process cannot start without admitting that there is a problem. Biological intervention sometimes may be necessary, including medication to treat withdrawal symptoms and treatment for malnutrition.
Thank you for reading!!!

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